Now is our final chance to prevent Glebe Island becoming an ugly and noisy eyesore

In January 2018, the Port Authority of NSW announced plans to turn Glebe Island into a long-term, heavy industrial shipping, storage and construction site.
The multi-user facility will be used for the import, storage and distribution of dry bulk materials. Hanson has also announced plans to open a Concrete Batching Plant and bulk aggregate distribution facility adjacent to the multi-user facility on Glebe Island.
Hanson denies the self-evident adverse environmental impacts of its project and offers no meaningful mitigation for those impacts. We believe the project should not be approved. Please see our latest update on the proposed Hanson Concrete Plant here.
It would be a terrible waste for Glebe Island - which currently enjoys unspoiled harbourfront - to become an ugly and noisy eyesore. Any development on Glebe Island must be reasonable, thoughtful and unintrusive. Noise pollution must be kept at a minimum to allow Sydneysiders and tourists alike to enjoy Sydney's vibrant Bays Precinct.
This is why we are calling for four actions:

1. A curfew on arrivals & departures
There should be a curfew on ships arriving and departing Glebe Island between 9pm and 7am to reduce noise pollution

3. Community input into design
The Multi User Facility must not become an unsightly steel or concrete shed, the community must have input into the design

2. A curfew on ships moored at Glebe Island
There should be a curfew on ships moored at berth 1 and 2 at Glebe Island running their engines between 9pm and 7am so nearby residents can get uninterrupted sleep

4. Visual impacts to be considered
If the Hanson Concrete Plant goes ahead it must not be an eyesore. A wall of shipping containers simply doesn't cut it.