Write a letter to lodge your objections
With your help we can prevent Glebe Island becoming a noisy nightmare
Write a letter
With your help we can prevent Glebe Island becoming a noisy nightmare. There's one simple thing you can do to help. Write a letter.
Your letter is important. If more than 50 letters are received, the objections take on much more significance with politicians and government departments.
Please send your letter to the following politicians and government departments:
A. Port Authority of NSW via noisestrategy@portauthoritynsw.com.au
B. Mr Rob Stokes, Minister for Planning and Open Spaces, using the form on his website:
C. Mr Karl Fetterplace, Senior Planning Officer Department of Planning Industry & Environment via karl.fetterplace@planning.nsw.gov.au
D. Alex Greenwich, our local MP via sydney@parliament.nsw.gov.au.
E. NSW Environment Protection Authority's Environment Line via info@environment.nsw.gov.au.
It will help if you can please copy us into your emails when possible by CCing letters@dontwasteglebeisland.com.au so we can track numbers.
Using your own words, your letter should call for:
a. A nighttime curfew between 9pm and 7am to prevent disruptions to residents' sleep. Please provide personal examples of tugs and ships which have kept you awake in the past couple of years.
b. An independent analysis into the real noise impacts which includes the cumulative impact of all projects on Glebe Island and traffic associated with the port.
c. Independent recommendations on reasonable noise limits. Higher noise limits will seriously affect the health and wellbeing of local residents.
We also encourage you to submit feedback on the Port Authority of NSW's draft noisy policy.
Thanks for your help!